Home Valuation

Many people are tempted to rely on online estimates to determine the value of their home value.

Websites like Zillow(R) use algorithms that focus on the location, size, and age of your property. However, these estimates do not take into consideration the condition of your home. This and increasing interest rates, changes in demand, and many other factors lead to an incorrect online valuation of your property.

However, pricing your home correctly is just one of the many factors that lead to a successful sale. Repairs, staging, marketing, and favorable negotiations by an EXPERIENCED professional is what matters most. That is why 90% of my business is from referrals. Proven results have led me to 19 years of continued success. Let my expertise go to work for you. Do you have a budget for repairs? Do you want to sell “as is?” Call me for a free consultation so that I can go over your options.

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